Collections We Sell
Yoder Sold specializes in selling premier collections of: Antique & Classic Trucks, Cars, Motorcycles, and other vehicles; collections of items like: antique advertising & signage, petroliana, automobilia, and other transportation related items and collections. Our team has the specific knowledge required to properly represent full collections of many types of items. The categories of items we have sold are far too numerous to list, but if you name it, at some point in time it probably has been sold here.
How We Sell
Yoder Sold conducts auctions Live, Online-only, and Simulcast, whichever is best for the customer’s outcome. Over the years, we have found that the live-onsite and online simulcast model using multiple bidding platforms is exceeding any other method of selling. At this point in time, when it comes to prime items, there is no better way to sell. It allows for wide exposure to all buyers globally on whichever platform they feel most comfortable spending their money with. It brings buyer competition to a new level, an art unfortunately lost within the confines of a live or online-only auction.
Where We Sell
From our Wisconsin office, we provide auction services to customers from all over the world! Wayne has auctioned on special request invitations in other states including: Alaska, California, Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois. Classic car auctions are conducted in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and attract nationwide collectors to sell their vehicles to a global audience of buyers. Remember, you are never too far away to work with Yoder Sold Auctions, and you can always contact us to see how we can accommodate your needs.